Key output: data governance policy and procedure design
And then we organize.
A major cost bleed for businesses is storing unused, forgotten, or even advertently acquired, data.
If you already have guidelines for what to store, where, how, and for how long, you might feel you’re not contributing to the bleed. But:
Does everyone in your team understand what is stored where? Can they search easily? Do they have awareness of what exists that they could search?
What is your procedure for deleting data? What if some of the data you hold belong to another team or even an external party?
When was the last time your policies were updated?
Is your data governance policy aligned with Legal and Security?
We help you answer these questions and liaise with other parts of the business to establish a clear, easy-to-follow governance policy and procedure that reflects awareness of the wider business.
In Action
We are working with a team that is in the midst of implementing a new KPI around content creation. (We sometimes depart the world of data for the realm of content; you can ask us about this in a contact form!) They have a solid AI agent built into a custom interface to assist with production, and a clear target per person. Great.
Two months in, content is increasing but no process is yet in place for updating, archiving/sunsetting or deleting anything (with content this gets tricky because of slugs, linking, etc). We are working with them to answer the above questions, and in this case leveraging their use of AI agents as a jumping off point for possible policy and procedure design.